Corporate social responsibility

Our CSR program focuses on the development of education of our youth and the integration of the company in the community.
We do this through direct voluntary contributions, and participation in national activities, always on the lookout for initiatives where we can leave an imprint of our values in the community.
Corporate social responsibility
Our main projects consist of
We ensure that our operations have the least impact on our environment and community.
My School First Project
J. Cain is a participant in the program “Mi Escuela Primero” of the Ministry of Education. This magnificent project seeks to integrate businesses with the community, directly supporting the modernization of schools in need. In 2015 we initiated in conjunction with the Ministry of Education the renewal of Colegio San Vicente de Paul in the heart of Colon.
Professional Tools Project
One of our goals is to develop Social Responsibility logistics education and foster Panama interest among your people to be trained and be part of the future of this important pillar of our economy. To equip our youth with the necessary tools for their future careers in logistics, our employees dictate lectures and courses in secondary schools. These include courses oriented in activities such as warehousing and distribution, inventory management, customer service and business English. For several years we have focused on groups of graduates and pre-graduates of the Colegio San Miguel Febres Cordero (La Salle) in the community of Los Lagos in Colon.
Sharing Project
Our staff is grouped by work unit and each chooses a community with basic needs that we can help each year. Among the projects we have made arrangements to Portobello’s primary school, volunteer nursing home in Buena Vista, school bathroom fixing in a school in Cuipo, among others.
Cleaning beaches and areas
Monthly we organize tours to beaches or tourists sites in the community in order to clean and leave a message of conservation and cleaning. Annually there are beach cleanups in La Angosta, Punta Caleta, the historic area of Portobello, among others.
Happiness Project
Every year we contribute to the Christmas celebrations of needy communities, taking presents, encouraging parties, and participating with the community. Among the beneficiaries is the center of children with disabilities IPHE of Colon, the community of Coco Solo, among others.
National Activities
We participate in national activities collecting funds for FUNDAYUDA, FANLYC walk-a-thon and Caminata Susie Thayer, among others.