En el mundo de la logística, la excelencia y la confianza son fundamentales para el éxito empresarial. Para destacar en este competitivo sector y cumplir con las expectativas de nuestros clientes, las empresas de logística debemos buscar constantemente la mejora y la calidad en nuestras operaciones. Es aquí donde la certificación ISO 9001 se convierte [

In dedication to our quality management, J. Cain & Co. renewed its ISO 9001:2008 certification and was awarded with the ISO 9001:2015 certification. Our quality program is a fundamental principal to guarantee the best possible service provided to our clients and maintain efficiency in our operations. We have been certified since 1999 and throughout the [

BASC – Business Alliance for Secure Commerce, is an international commercial alliance that promotes safe business practices in cooperation with government and international entities. J. Cain has been a certified BASC company since 2009 with the implementation of a Security and Quality Control System promoting continuous improvement to it’s security s