J. Cain & Co. and Colon Import & Export have merged and consolidated as the leader in logistics services for multinational companies in Panama.
We are proud to celebrate our 70 years as a leader in logistics services for multinational companies as a distribution center from Panama for Latin America and the Caribbean markets. Starting January 1st, 2021, J. Cain & Co. merged with Colon Import & Export and with this alliance, the company has positioned itself as a […]
Consumer Products Import Labeling Regulations and Requirements
In this rapidly changing consumer market, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean continuously enact laws and labeling regulations for specific products to allow their introduction to the market with the purpose of protecting the end consumer. Abiding by these requirements is key for multinational companies who must keep abreast of these changing regula
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
In dedication to our quality management, J. Cain & Co. renewed its ISO 9001:2008 certification and was awarded with the ISO 9001:2015 certification. Our quality program is a fundamental principal to guarantee the best possible service provided to our clients and maintain efficiency in our operations. We have been certified since 1999 and throughout the [
Evacuation Simulation because of Earthquake
J. Cain, in compliance with its occupational safety and risk mitigation plans, conducted an emergency drill due to a strong earthquake at its facilities in Panama Pacifico. The drill, conducted in coordination with SINAPROC, the Panama Pacifico Fire Brigade, London and Regional, and the Panama Pacifico Agency, joins the security initiatives of J. Cain, Panam
J. Cain & Co. announces aliance with Bringmedata Consulting
J. Cain & Co., the market leader in logistics and supply chain management solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizes that in order to remain competitive in an increasingly complex and connected business world, it is imperative to take advantage of and develop the latest technologies and scientific and analytical advances available in the [&
Kaizen Project
J. Cain, known throughout Latin America as a leading provider in an array of logistics solutions and services to global clients in various industries, also provides specialized supply chain consulting services, an expertise that has developed through managing a large-scale operation and facility. The J. Cain team is diverse, consisting of process and IT engi
Recolección de desechos en el paseo marino de colón
Como parte de nuestros valores, prioridades e iniciativas de Responsabilidad Social en J. Cain & Co. incentivamos el desarrollo sostenible y ayuda social a los más vulnerables como lo son los niños y ancianos de nuestras comunidades. Para lograr estos objetivos, promovemos diversas actividades encaminadas a mejorar el ambiente y a concienciar a nuestro
Visita al Ejército de Salvación, Colón
El mes de marzo hicimos una visita al Ejército de Salvación ubicado en Sabanitas, Colón.Este albergue acoge a niños y niñas con problemas sociales, por lo con mucho cariño y entusiasmo los colaboradores de J. Cain donaron todo tipo de útiles para llevarles en esta visita. Se le hizo entrega de camisas, cuadernos, lápices, toallas, […]